2009-09-30 23:53:23 UTC
It happens that I am browsing in a DLL Visual Studio project (in VS 2005,
but actually converted from VS2003) that manually defines an entry point to
the DLL.
The Entry point is defined in the Project properties -> Link editor ->
Advanced -> Entry point (field names may be not accurate as I translate them
back from French) as the following string :
I would like to know where I can find documentation about this specific way
to write a symbol, that is, symbol name + "@" + numeric value.
My actual problem is that I try to convert this project for x64 compilation,
and in this mode, "***@12" is not recognised (that is, it is
reported "undefined") so I am trying to find what I should write instead.
(the original VS2003 compiler was not able to manage x64).
Best regards,
It happens that I am browsing in a DLL Visual Studio project (in VS 2005,
but actually converted from VS2003) that manually defines an entry point to
the DLL.
The Entry point is defined in the Project properties -> Link editor ->
Advanced -> Entry point (field names may be not accurate as I translate them
back from French) as the following string :
I would like to know where I can find documentation about this specific way
to write a symbol, that is, symbol name + "@" + numeric value.
My actual problem is that I try to convert this project for x64 compilation,
and in this mode, "***@12" is not recognised (that is, it is
reported "undefined") so I am trying to find what I should write instead.
(the original VS2003 compiler was not able to manage x64).
Best regards,